Kelly Gallagher


Kelly Gallagher, Mountain Metal Arts

I am the artist/owner of Mountain Metal Arts, located in Park City, Utah. I fell in love with welding steel as a medium after taking an introductory course at a local arts center in 2015 and began my business a few years later.

I work with mild steel using MIG welding techniques and equipment. All of my art is hand fabricated. I lay out and cut my pieces with my plasma cutter, grind and polish them, then assemble with my MIG torch. The finish may be hand or spray painted unless the client prefers a rusted look, all of which I apply.

I take inspiration from nature in concepting my creations, generally focusing on sculptures or wall hangings that feature animals and plants. I have gotten many ideas while out on our local trails, running or snowshoeing with my dog.

More recently I have expanded my interest to add people and scenes. I have also added repurposed steel pieces to my work at times. It seems that the longer I work in the art, I continue to embrace new skills and experiences that help me mature as an artist.

